Dr. Vandana Mahalwar is currently an Assistant Professor (Sr. Scale) at the Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, and has been teaching Intellectual Property Laws, Administrative Law and Comparative Public Law. Prior to joining University of Delhi, she was an Assistant Professor at The Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, where she taught and researched on Intellectual Property laws.
She holds a B.A. LL.B. (Gold Medal) and LL.M. (Gold Medal) from Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, India. Holding a doctorate in Intellectual Property laws from National Law University Delhi, her research primarily focuses on issues pertaining to Access to Knowledge, Right of Publicity, Character Merchandising, viz-a-viz IP Laws. She has been a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow in 2019-2020 at Duke Law School, U.S.A, where she worked on “Access to Knowledge Under International Copyright Law”. Dr. Mahalwar has edited a book titled “Copyright Law in the Digital World: Challenges and Opportunities”, Springer Singapore, March 2017. She has been a speaker on intellectual property issues on different occasions at prestigious universities including William S. Boyd School of Law, University of Nevada, Las Vegas and Miami Dade College – The School of Justice.
Areas of Interest:
Intellectual Property, Access to Knowledge, International Copyright Law. Comparative Public Law, Administrative Law