Dr.Seema Singh is LL.B. and LL.M. from Lucknow University and Ph.D. from Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi. Her doctoral research is on “The Scope of Scientific Techniques in Criminal Investigation in India”. She has experience of teaching LL.B., LL.M. and Ph.D. students and her special area of interest is Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, International Economic Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law and Jurisprudence.
She is Hony. Advisor to The National Commission for Scheduled Tribes and has authored and edited three books “Law & Spirituality-Exploring the Bond”, “Reflections on Ancient Indian Jurisprudence in the Current Social & Judicial Set Up” and “ Nagrikta Sanshodhan Adhiniyam-Tathya avm Satya-Ek Baudhik Vimarsh”. She has a number of Research articles and News Papers articles in Journals, News Papers and magzines of national and international repute. She has participated as Resource Person and Chairperson in more than 100 programs. She is also known for her work as Socio-Politico-legal analyst on different forums. As an Activist she is part of many important PILs like PILs against whatts app, Netflix and Farmer’s suicides.
As a Co-Director she has submitted her report on “Agrarian Issues and Plight of Farmers” in Aug. 2021 to ICSSR . She has been awarded by Smt.Kamal Sharma Award for Academic Excellence -2021, by the Lexican Group of Institutes, Pune.
She is also Nominated by Hon’ble Governor and Chancellor of Raj Rishi Bhartrihari Matsya University, Alwar, Rajasthan, as Member of Academic Council.