Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Society
The justice dispensation system in India has come under great stress due to several reasons. At the very same time due to the impact of globalisation there is rapid increase in disputes amongst the parties which require speedy and effective resolution which the adversarial system has failed to deliver. In this context, dispute resolution through arbitration, mediation & negotiation are found to be more appropriate, effective, less time consuming and hassle free alternate form of dispute resolution in India. Considering its significance, the Alternative Dispute Resolution Society at the Campus Law Centre has been setup to further this mission.
1. To enhance knowledge and understanding of the purpose, substance and scope of ADR and of the potential of ADR as an effective tool to render alternate dispute resolution;
2. To create awareness of ADR as part of justice delivery system;
3. To equip the students and other professional with the theory and practice of arbitration, mediation and other ADR mechanism to take up independent career in this field.
1. To promote awareness on different branches of ADR among students and Legal fraternity.
2. To provide a platform of discussion and activities related to ADR;
3. To encourage interested students in advancing their studies towards this subject;
4. To conduct Panel discussion, lectures and training Workshops on different branches of ADR for the students;
5. To stimulate research culture amongst the students towards the field of Arbitration and ADR
- Invited Applications for Blog Submissions for its Official Blog Page:
About this Blog
It is the endeavour of the ADR Society, Campus Law Centre to provide a dynamic platform to various stakeholders including practitioners, arbitrators, mediators, academicians, and students to engage and expand the scope of discussion on different facets of ADR through this blog. This blog aspires to create a repository of the latest and contemporary topics related to all the branches of ADR.
Link to our official blog page – https://adrsocietyclc.wordpress.com/
- In lieu of Constitution Day a seminar on ‘Changing Facets of Mediation in India’ would be organized.
- Board of Advisors would be formed, which would include luminaries in the field of ADR.
Executive Board (2023-24)
Faculty Convenor

Dr. Rohit Moonka
Teacher Members:
Dr. Neelam Tyagi
Ms. Apanjot
Ms. Sneh Yadav
Students Executive Body:

Abhinav Jha
(Student Convenor)

Shashank Shekhar
(Student Convenor)
Executive Committee Members:
